The Game BASIC for Sega Saturn homebrew thread

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Dr. Tim
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The Game BASIC for Sega Saturn homebrew thread

Post by Dr. Tim »

Use this thread to post questions, suggestions, and homebrew programs for Game BASIC. You should be able to attach files as a .zip, or share smaller programs with the "code" tag.

To get things started, here's a rotating 3D model of a simple spaceship:
ship.png (21.81 KiB) Viewed 167718 times

Code: Select all

SETLIGHT 1,1,1,RGB(0,0,245),RGB(100,100,100)
SETATR 1,PLN,(4,1,3,0,7399,8)
OBJ(1,@ATR)  = 1,1
OBJ(1,@TYPE) = 4 
OBJ(1,@XRV) = 0.002,0.001,0
DATA -0.7293869,-0.8023255,-0.5835094
DATA 0.8023255,-0.8023255,-0.5835094
DATA 0.7938089,0.7899927,-0.5841553
DATA -0.7081572,0.7773255,-0.5929277
DATA -2.501174,-2.45577,4.995403
DATA 1.780538,-2.460021,5.028886
DATA 2.583562,0.5106764,4.965294
DATA -3.056407,0.5605836,5.106492
DATA 7.730277,1.835851,8.150307
DATA 7.768425,2.043847,6.439438
DATA -7.671849,2.186889,6.516652
DATA -7.950813,2.044355,8.287344
DATA 1.271394,-1.080933,6.133287
DATA -1.642012,-1.090826,6.159839
DATA -1.646641,0.4054157,6.205105
DATA 1.25728,0.4240844,6.21485
DATA 0.6189463,-0.7736828,5.045187
DATA 0.6028315,0.1876344,5.037827
DATA -0.8438893,-0.8351839,5.028943
DATA -0.8346935,0.1268782,5.08306
DATA ,(0,1,2,3)
DATA ,(0,4,5,1)
DATA ,(1,5,6,2)
DATA ,(4,0,3,7)
DATA ,(2,6,8,9)
DATA ,(7,3,10,11)
DATA ,(5,4,7,6)
DATA ,(6,7,3,2)
DATA ,(12,13,14,15)
DATA ,(16,12,15,17)
DATA ,(13,18,19,14)
DATA ,(13,12,16,18)
DATA ,(15,14,19,17)

Dr. Tim
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Oct 07, 2020 9:16 pm

Re: The Game BASIC for Sega Saturn homebrew thread

Post by Dr. Tim »

Operation Apollo 1

Wayback Machine archive: ...

README Translation:

Code: Select all

Software Name:		Operation Apollo 1
Copyright:		Copyright (C) 1998 NAKATH
Operating Environment:	GAMEBASIC for SEGA SATURN

* File Structure
  - Apollo1.b -- Game Basic source
  - Apollo1.txt -- This text file

* How to Play
  Thank you for downloading.
  I was impressed by Apollo 13 and made this, it's kind of a simulation.
  Nevertheless, it's 2D...
  A Button: Propulsion
  D-Pad Left and Right: Change direction
  L and R: Zoom
  In the current version, the only thing you can do is revolve in a satellite orbit.
  I don't have a moon yet, but I'm thinking of making a landing on the moon in the end.

* Caution
  Regardless of any damage caused by using this software,
  the author does not take any responsibility. Please note.
  This software is freeware. Reprinting is free, but please contact the author.
  Then do not change the archive contents.

Please send us your opinions, impressions, bug information, etc.
Operation Apollo 1 by NAKATH
(1.54 KiB) Downloaded 1974 times

Dr. Tim
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Oct 07, 2020 9:16 pm

Re: The Game BASIC for Sega Saturn homebrew thread

Post by Dr. Tim »

Naruto (Spiral/Whirlpool)

Wayback Machine archive (original October, 1999 version): ...
Wayback Machine archive (updated November, 1999 version): ...

README Translation (November, 1999 version):

Code: Select all

Software Name:		Naruto, ver1.0
Copyright:		Copyright (C) 1998 NAKATH
Operating environment:	Game Basic

* File structure
  - Naruto10.b --Game basic file
  - N_nakath.d --Replay data
  - N_ryu1.d
  - N_take3.d
  - N_ykyo6.d
  - Readme.txt --This text file

* Before playing
  7 DEV $ (0) = "CRAM:" Please rewrite these three to suit yourself.
  8 DEV $ (1) = "COM:"
  9 NAME $ = "DREAM #" Save file name of replay data (up to 6 characters including #)
                      If you add # at the end, the number will be inserted automatically.
                      You will be able to save 9 games.

* How to play
  This is a one-key game. Operate with controller 1.
  If you hit yourself or go off the screen, the game is over.
  To replay the game, press the START button.
  If you hit the line by grazing it, you will get bonus points.
  The number of hits is displayed, but it has nothing to do with the bonus points.
  Please use this to aim for 10 million points.
  By the way, it has nothing to do with certain hardware (laughs)

* Operation after the game is over
  Select the backup device with the A button and
  Press the X button to load and the Z button to open the save menu.
  Select with the up and down arrow keys, and press the C, A, X, or Z button to confirm.
  Press the B button to cancel.
  Press the R button to start the replay.

* Replay
  If you press the C button during replay, it will fast forward.
  Pause and press the B button to end the replay.

* Score attack
  I am doing a score attack on the author's homepage.
  If you get a high score, please send it by email.

* Known issues
  After 3 minutes, I get an error.
  If you are interested, please increase the value of RPLAY (60 * 180).
  5 DIM RPLAY (60 * 180), DEV $ (1)
  Then, because of the layout,
  The load list is only displayed for up to 24 files.

* Caution
  Regardless of any damage caused by using this software
  The author does not take any responsibility. Please note.
  This software is freeware. Reprinting is free, but please contact the author.
  Then, do not change the data, file structure, etc.

Please send us your opinions, impressions, bug information, etc.
Naruto by NAKATH - October, 1999
(6 KiB) Downloaded 1992 times
Naruto by NAKATH - November, 1999
(6.84 KiB) Downloaded 1920 times

Dr. Tim
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Oct 07, 2020 9:16 pm

Re: The Game BASIC for Sega Saturn homebrew thread

Post by Dr. Tim »

Do Dan Baku (Rage Bomb)
by Bois

Wayback Machine archive: ... e/ddbaku.b

Source header translation:

Code: Select all

'	=======================================================
'	Project Gamba! Volume 1 (Death)
'	Do Dan Baku (Rage Bomb)
'				Copyright(c)1998 BoisCreativeJapan
'				Program Bois
'				Graphic Mei Itsuki
'	=======================================================

'	=======================================================
'	Constant Initialization
'	=======================================================
'	=======================================================
'	Main Routine
'	=======================================================
'	=======================================================
'	SubRoutines
'	=======================================================
'	=======================================================
'	Check the connection status of the input device
'	=======================================================
'	=======================================================
'	Screen initialization / variable initialization (immediately before the game starts)
'	=======================================================
'	=======================================================
'	Bomb placement and growth
'	=======================================================
'	=======================================================
'	Player movement
'	=======================================================
'	=======================================================
'	Bomb disposal (1 frame)
'	=======================================================
'	=======================================================
'	Detonation process
'	Input:I	MAP(I) is the source of the detonation
'	=======================================================
'	=======================================================
'	(Interrupt) forcibly commits
'	=======================================================
'	=======================================================
'	Various data
'	=======================================================
Do Dan Baku by Bois
(2.06 KiB) Downloaded 2011 times

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Re: The Game BASIC for Sega S….

Post by DanielGek »

How can Game BASIC for Sega S revolutionize the gaming industry by empowering indie developers to create unique and immersive gaming experiences, challenging the dominance of major game studios?

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Про Войну - Военная хроника: Видео боевых действия 2024г

Post by swertvver »

Про Войну - Военная хроника: Видео боевых действия 2024г
Про Войну - Хроника боевых действий, информационный портал о военных конфликтах в России и за рубежом, художественные и документальные фильмы о войне. Сводки с горячих точек и видео военкоров с передовой. 2024г.

<li id="menu-item-45844" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-45844"><a href="">Война на Украине: Свежее видео боев СВО 2024 года.</a></li>
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Re: The Game BASIC for Sega Saturn homebrew thread

Post by Joshuageove »

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Re: The Game BASIC for Sega Saturn homebrew thread

Post by Joshuageove »

Люстры существовали еще задолго до того, как появилось электричество. Когда-то вместо ламп в них использовали свечи, поэтому дизайн подобных светильников был сильно ограничен. Современные технологии позволяют создавать люстры любых форм и размеров, из различных материалов, использовать сложные схемы освещения, разные типы ламп и даже управлять люстрой удаленно. Поход в строительный супермаркет или магазин светильников может свести с ума огромнейшим ассортиментом интересных моделей. Когда глаза разбегаются, сделать правильную покупку сложно, поэтому лучше заранее продумать, какую люстру выбрать, какими параметрами она должна обладать и какую форму иметь. Наши советы помогут сориентироваться в богатейшем мире современных люстр

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Стоит ли клеить обои в ванной комнате

Post by Bobbimok »

С жидкими обоями даже проще, чем с обычными рулонными — вообще не нужно заботиться о стыках, совмещении полотен, рисунке, клее. Смесь разводится водой и наносится на стены обычным шпателем и кельмой. Получившееся покрытие и ремонтировать легче: просто вырежьте поврежденный кусок и нанесите на этот участок смесь по новой — высохнув, он ничем не будет выделяться.


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